About Us
Learn More About the Passionate Team at Tidelife Rentals
How We Started and what makes TideLife Special…
TideLife Vacation Rentals opened for business in April of 2014. As a property management company focused on Vacation Rentals for the South Carolina coast, it is our vision to meet the goals of owners and delight guests that visit our area. It’s just that simple.
As the Owner, Suzanne is committed to partnering with homeowners to provide excellent customer service to their guests while maintaining their investment. Let’s face it, there are a lot of choices for both guests and owners, but what makes TideLife special is how we treat people. Every person, every phone call, every interaction with a guest or an owner is an opportunity to create a relationship that will matter. We are relentlessly committed to EXCELLENCE.
We don’t just offer vacations to our guests, we offer the opportunity to experience what we love about this area….The TideLife.
Suzanne’s Passion
When I was a young girl my family and I would take multiple family vacations a year. From the time I could read my family would tease me that I was like Julie, the cruise director from my favorite 80’s TV show “The Love Boat.” (For those of you old enough to remember, I apologize if you now have the theme song playing in your head and for the younger ones…the theme song is available on YouTube–you can thank me later.) Whether it was researching attractions or accommodations, I was passionate about experiencing the best of what our destination had to offer. My family could always count on me to provide the details. For me, it was about learning, meeting new people and my desire to help others have a GREAT vacation.
Years later, after moving to the coast, I discovered that my passion for connecting people with vacations comes quite natural for me. Many of the past guests that I have worked with recognized this. Here are just a few of the written testimonials that I have received: “I appreciate your hard work on our reservation and I will be sure to let the owner know of your wonderful service!”, “We have been very impressed with your knowledge about the area and your attention to detail…thanks again for making our vacation special.” And finally…”I can’t wait to come back next year….You were right when you said this house was going to be perfect for our family.”
As you can see vacation rentals and property management is something I am passionate about. It is that passion that I will use to ensure that your experience with TideLife Vacation Rentals is nothing but the BEST!
Suzanne Temple
Owner and Passionate Provider of the Perfect Vacation